We are super excited to have our friends Renato and Raquel Canuto in town for a seminar. Please fill out our seminar rsvp and waiver or we can not hold your spot. If you do not see the waiver, the seminar is full.
The seminar details are below in the flyer. See additional important information below.
Expect the class to be No Gi first, starting at 9:30am. We will do No Gi seminar first, then break to change into Gi’s and proceed. Please plan accordingly.
Arrive early to process payments. There are no refunds or discounts if you have to leave early, or if you can only stay for a portion.
Please wear white, blue or black gi’s only.
Please bring fresh and clean No Gi and Gi’s. Good hygiene (clean hands and feet)
Belt is required, please don’t forget your belt.
Leave your phone off the mats. No recording.