3rd Annual Ethos Friendship Tournament
Tournament Information
Tournament Date:
Saturday - February 8th, 2020
Last Day to Register February 3rd 2020.
Registration Fee: $39
Ethos Jiu-Jitsu Fullerton
618 N. Harbor, Unit A, Fullerton Ca 92832
Contact: ethosbjj16@gmail.com
Same Day Weigh-in guidelines for competitors is as follows:
All Athletes must clear weight prior to their first match.
Weigh-ins are with NO UNIFORM
Athletes are allowed to weigh in without knee or elbow braces, but they will have to be wearing them at the time of the uniform inspection.
The athlete cannot step on the scale with shoes or any item besides his/her regular uniform and equipment permitted for use during matches.
Each athlete shall only mount the official scale of the event to have his/her weight taken once unless authorized.
Competition Rules
Take downs, sweeps, knee on the belly, and unintentional out of bounds while in a submission: The referee will raise his hand indicating the scoring athlete’s color and raise two (2) fingers to signify the issue of two points to that athlete’s score.
Passing the guard: The referee will raise his hand indicating the scoring athlete’s color and raise three (3) fingers to signify the issue of three points to that athlete’s score.
Front mount, back mount, and taking the back: The referee will raise his hand indicating the scoring athlete’s color and raise four (4) fingers to signify the issue of four points to that athlete’s score.
Count of 3: The referee will lower his hand indicating that he has opened the count of three (3) seconds for stabilization prior to awarding points for the following: sweep, knee on belly, passing the guard, mount, back mount, and taking the back.
Penalties: The referee will turn his hands one over the other with both fists closed then raise a fist indicating the penalized athlete’s color.
Pausing the match & time: The referee puts his hands one above the other forming a "T", signaling the timekeeper to pause the time and say “Time” or “Tempo”.
Stalling: The referee will grab each forearm with his hands and verbally warn the competitor who is stalling and say “work to improve” “Lute”, or “Ação”
The Point System
The competitor cannot score new points when he/she intentionally removes and returns to and from a position where points have been recently received (changing position intentionally and then returning to the same position). Example: Going up and down into the knee on belly position unopposed will not result in multiple point awards.
No points will be awarded for a competitor who attains a position while in a submission. Points will only be awarded after the submission is completely defended. Example: When a competitor is mounted on the opponent but is stuck in a guillotine, the points of the mount will only be awarded after the competitor has freed themselves from the guillotine submission attempt, and only if the athlete is still in the mount position.
There will be no “advantage” point system
No match will be decided by referee, it will be decided by submission or points, and in the case of a tie, by “sudden death” overtime.
Points are awarded to the competitor by the referee for the following actions:
2 points
Takedowns ,Sweeps, Knee on Belly
3 points
Passing the Guard
4 points
Mount ,Back Mount ,Back Control
Takedowns (2 Points)
A takedown occurs when a competitor completes an action that drops the opponent from a standing position on their side, butt or back or forces the opponent to their knees and acquires a position behind the opponent. Points for takedowns are awarded after stabilizing for 3 seconds. Guidelines for takedowns are as follows:
a) A take down which places a competitor outside the designated competition area and onto the security area, will be considered a valid takedown so long as the competitor that executed the move stood with both feet in the competition area while executing the move.
b) If one competitor grabs a leg or attempts a takedown (i.e. a double leg) and the opponent pulls guard, the competitor will be awarded 2 points for the takedown.
c) If one of the competitors has one of his/her knees on the ground and is taken down, whoever applied the takedown will be awarded points as long as the opponent has both feet on the ground.
d) When the competitor attempts any take down and the opponent simultaneously reverses the take down by getting on top, points will be determined by:
i. If neither opponent has fallen onto the mat yet, the opponent that lands on top receives the 2 points.
ii. If the opponent falls down in a guard position and immediately gets swept, the opponent will receive a 2-point takedown after remaining in position for 3 seconds.
iii. If the opponent falls down in side control or mount position and immediately gets flipped over, no points will be awarded.
Illegal Takedowns are as follows:
Scissor takedown, head spike
Sweep (2 Points) A sweep occurs when the competitor that is underneath has the opponent in a form of guard and is able to get on top of the opponent by inverting his/her position. Guidelines for sweeps are as follows:
a) In order for a competitor to be awarded points for a sweep, the opponent must have a form of guard established. The guard is considered any position where the competitor is on his/her back, side, or turtle position using one or both legs to keep distance or control over the opponent. If a competitor is using his/her legs to keep distance or control of the opponent, then the opponent is considered ‘in guard.’
b) Turtle guard will only be considered a guard position when it was established from a preexisting guard position.
c) A sweep can be done with the use of arms or legs.
d) Points for sweeps will only be awarded after a competitor goes from a guard position and establishes a position on top of the opponent for a count of 3 seconds.
e) When a competitor who is sweeping gains top position and advances his/her position to the back of the opponent during the attempted sweep, the competitor will be awarded 2 points for the sweep and 4 points for the back as long as the criteria for both actions are fulfilled.
f) If starting in a guard position while a competitor attempts a sweep, both competitors must return to their feet, and the competitor attempting the sweep executes a takedown while remaining on top, he/she will be awarded points.
g) If the competitor on top tries to go for a submission while inside of a guard position, and ends up under his/her opponent, his/her opponent will be awarded 2 points for a sweep after escaping the submission and maintaining a top position for 3 seconds.
h) If the competitor on the bottom attempts a submission from the guard and lands on top of opponent and stabilizes position for 3 seconds the athelte will be awarded the sweep and 2 points.
i) If a competitor is passing the guard and falls prior to referee’s open count for guard passing or mount, and the opponent on bottom ends up on top, the opponent will be awarded 2 points for a sweep after stabilized for 3 seconds.
j) If a competitor from the guard arm drags his/her opponent going to the top onto a turtle position, the competitor will receive 2 points for a sweep after having controlled for 3 seconds.
k) Sweep attempts using a form of illegal position for the competitor’s respective belt or age division will result in negative points or disqualification
l) Double Guard Pull: If at any point during the match both competitors pull guard with grips from standing at the same time, the first competitor to come to a top position shall be awarded points for a sweep after he/she maintains a controlling position on top of the opponent for a count of 3 seconds. Rules for double guard pull are as follows:
i. Both athletes must have grips before pulling guard.
ii. When both athletes with grip pull guard at the same time, one competitor must acquire a top position within 15 seconds or both athletes will be penalized with a negative point for lack of combativeness/stalling.
iii. When both athletes pull guard, but only one athlete had a grip while standing the opponent must come up in order to not receive a negative point.
iv. If both athletes pull guard without establishing grips first, both athletes will receive a negative point.
v. If an athlete with grips pulls guard and the opponent either pulls guard or sits at the same time but without grips, if the athlete with grips goes up and establishes a top position for a count of three seconds he/she will be awarded two points for sweep.
Passing the Guard (3 Points) Passing the guard occurs when a competitor maneuvers from a position where he/she is in the opponent’s guard to a perpendicular or longitudinal position where he/she is no longer controlled by the opponent’s legs and is using his/her weight to pin the opponent, leaving the opponent no space to move or escape the position.
Guidelines for passing the guard are as follows:
a) In order for a competitor to be awarded points for passing the guard the opponent must have had a form of guard established. It is considered guard any time a competitor is on his/her back or side and is using one or both of his/her legs to keep distance or control of the opponent. If a competitor is using his/her legs to keep distance or control of the opponent, then the opponent is considered ‘in guard.’
b) Points for passing the guard will only be awarded after a competitor has established a controlling position past his/her opponent’s guard for a count of 3 seconds.
c) If the competitor that is underneath avoids the move by putting his/her opponent back in guard or by getting to his/her knees or standing up, no points will be awarded.
d) If a competitor who was in his/her opponent’s guard acquires and establishes the mount position then he will be awarded points for passing the guard and points for mount
Mount (4 Points) Mount occurs when a competitor is facing the opponent’s head while sitting on the opponent’s torso. The opponent can be lying on his/her back, side or stomach. The one mounting cannot be on top of one or both of the opponent’s arms. It will also be considered a mount if one knee and one foot are on the ground. In the case that the athlete mounting has both opponent arms under his legs, the athlete must have the knees below the armpit line in order to receive points. Guidelines for mount are as follows:
a) Points for a mount position will only be awarded after a competitor has established the mount position for a count of 3 seconds.
b) No points will be awarded if a competitor’s feet or knees are on the opponent’s leg.
c) If a competitor applies a triangle while in guard and in so doing lands mounted on the opponent, it will be considered a sweep and not a mount until he/she is in the mounted position
Taking the Back & Back Mount (4 Points) Taking the back occurs when a competitor is in a position where his/her chest is against the opponents back, arms are around his/her neck/shoulders/torso, and legs around the opponent’s waist or torso. Guidelines for taking the back are as follows:
a) Points for taking the back will only be awarded after a competitor has established a controlling position on the opponent’s back for a count of 3 seconds.
b) Points will not be awarded if the competitor does not have control of the opponent’s body both with the arms and legs. The competitor must position his/her knees around the opponent’s waist and his/her ankles against the opponent’s inner thighs
c) Points for the back may also be awarded if a competitor has chest-to back control, arms around the neck/shoulders/torso and uses his/her legs to hook one of the opponent’s thighs and one of the arms.
Illegal Techniques for all competitors:
Spinal Lock, Neck Crank, Cervical Lock, suplex takedown, slamming from the guard, slamming to escape a submission, small joint (fingers) manipulation, reaping the knee, outward toe hold, heel hook
Illegal techniques for kids:
Front Guillotine, leg locks, omaplata, pulling head in the triangle, wrist lock,